Who has a garden, has a treasure and a diamond in the rough. Well taken advantage of, a garden can be a very important added value in the home, both functionally and aesthetically.
Whether due to sloppiness or lack of planning and intervention of the tools of exteriorism and decoration, the gardens, far from presenting themselves with their maximum splendor, are sometimes relegated to the background with the losses that this entails at the level of use and aesthetics.
In order to avoid this and to take advantage of your garden and project it with charm, in Coblonal Interior Design Studio we believe that there are various aspects to be taken into account in the planning: the chosen vegetation, the materials used, the decoration and the style, its coherence -or not- with the rest of the elements, as well as if the exteriorism project serves the vital uses of people who will enjoy the space.
In short, a garden, like a diamond in the rough, you have to polish it to take out an exterior space that will shine by itself. And for that reason, today we tell you some keys that we have learned throughout our projects so that you can be inspired and create the garden of your dreams… do we start?
The apparent chaos of nature encloses an orderly and planned system, where nothing is lost and everything is transformed.
Therefore, to maintain the essence of the garden, it would be interesting to transfer this concept to its design and planning.
In a charming garden, what at first sight can be a chaos or product of chance, is actually the result of a study of landscaping, exteriorism and architecture, where each element is combined in the best way to offer the desired result .
Have you ever seen a Japanese garden? Maximum exponent of harmony and serenity, a Japanese garden is an explosion of planned elements in detail the result? A feeling of harmony and peace.
Once again, serene chaos is possible and even more so in the garden.
When planning your garden idea, material planning is a winning letter to achieve the results you want.
Thus, depending on the use you are going to give the garden, the projection of materials, elements and distribution will be done one way or another.
To imagine space, we must first project what will happen in them. We have always said that it is the end users who convert the places we design in particular spaces through their practices, their ways of doing, their uses. So the first questions we have to ask ourselves are:
what will be the main use of the garden? How will I live it? What moments do I want to spend in it? Do I want to celebrate parties? At night or during the day, sunbathe? ? What level of intimacy does it cost?
The preparation of a specific briefing can help to obtain clarity about the main use of the space and what benefits we can obtain from the projection.
With these premise questions in mind, we can throw ourselves to the following question:
Can you take advantage of an element that already exists in the garden? Whether it’s a stone, a tree, an old farming rig … etc.
The elements that already exist can be rendered to the function and also provide a unique touch, as is the case of our Interior Design and Decoration project of a Hotel in Baix Empordá -lower photo- in which we take advantage of some elements of the original construction for integrate them in a decorative way as if it were a museum piece.
The subtlety and concepts when projecting any space, forms the intangible soul of a good design. Or at least that is how we conceived it in our architecture and interior design studio in Barcelona. As an example of this, a garden, if possible, it is better to keep some native species to keep the umbilical cord with the earth.
On the other hand, if the species is autochthonous, its conservation is better guaranteed and therefore implies less maintenance.
To illustrate this recommendation, we will now show you the Rehabilitation and Interior Design project of a house in Baix Empordà, where we maintained the presence of the Mediterranean cypress, a native species that, in addition to providing an elegant touch, reminds us of where we are.
A path, a small ‘wall of flowers’, an area with slate or stones … These are some of the natural elements that can help to delimit the areas of use in a garden.
As you can see, when designing your ideal garden, you can choose a large amount of resources to combine them so that your space becomes a reflection of your interior space. And why not? Of your vital rhythm.
We hope that this analysis will help you create a garden with a unique charm that adapts to your personality.