Purism vs stylistic eclecticism in interior design

The interior design is a reflection of the lifestyle of people and therefore, any stylistic proposal is closely linked to a particular time.

What is now a trend, 10 years from now will have varied and other tonalities and aesthetic proposals will be taken. Being at the expense of fashion can be an incentive for those passionate about interior design, but for many others it is a source of insecurity as they expect a greater return over time of the money they invest in renewing their spaces.

For those who want to maximize their investment, the ideal would be to combine timelessness with contemporaneity. That is, to be able to define a contemporary interior design proposal that survives well over time and that after 10 years is still current.

For this we propose some general strategies:


 Living-with-kitchen-open-and-dining A unique apartment in the center of Barcelona

Opt for a neutral base to characterize with elements and accessories that are easy to replace. In this way we can renew our space just by changing some of the pieces of furniture and adapt them to current trends without clashing with the whole.


Redistribution of a bright attic in the center of Barcelona

Choose a Nordic style that survives the passage of time. The Nordic design, despite the boom of recent years, has been with us since the 50s of the twentieth century and is still valid. Although it is a style that is losing strength before current proposals, it is the safest bet to easily combine timelessness and contemporaneity.


We can choose to stay in an undisturbed past time as time goes by. If the Nordic style stays contemporary, we can choose to look for timelessness in classicism and therefore renounce the contemporaneity of the proposal. The classic style does not represent much, but like the Nordic style is an aesthetic proposal still used today. If the Nordic style maintains a contemporary look, the classic style undoubtedly looks to the past.

Apart from these three strategies that try to look for gray tones between the purism and the eclecticism that announces the title of this entry, other more risky strategies due to their validity or coherence are purism and stylistic eclecticism in interior design.


The other option is to adopt openly some aesthetic proposal of the moment and reproduce it without fear of the passage of time. In that case, the authenticity of the proposal will contextualize the space by itself and will be understood as what it is: a concrete product and located in a clearly identifiable aesthetic proposal. The important thing is then to assume that at some point it will cease to be current, but it will continue to be an authentic and coherent example of a certain aesthetic and stylistic current.

Contrary to what we may think, copying is not always easy. It requires clearly grasp the parameters and elements of an aesthetic proposal and know how to reproduce them coherently. Any element outside this logic will demean the whole. In this way, joining a trend in styling requires this ability to recognize, but also to make itself the guidelines and be able to incorporate pieces that expand the coherent variety within the same set.


We always defend the quality and uniqueness and that requires risk and not just reproduce the existing. In this sense, it assumes a risk that only experience and good taste allow to reduce, although never eliminate.

 Interiorismo Modern and industrial apartment in Gracia

The road to singularity leads us inescapably towards eclecticism, that is, to choose elements from different currents in a coherent proposal. Being able to develop your own style is finding your own recipe incorporating innovations and variations that offer a unique, unique result.

It is true that everything happens and the reproduction of the same recipe tires anyone. In the continuous updating, in the continuous adjustment of the habitual recipes and in the proposal and the innovation is the incentive of a creative profession like ours.

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