Surely you have seen the series or the movie “Sex and the City”, in which the protagonist of the plot, journalist Carrie Bradshaw, is mainly known to the viewer for a personal and unmistakable trait: her great devotion to fashion. . And the setting in which she expresses, professes and materializes her great passion is, precisely, the locker room of her house. And these spaces are a small expression of the essence, character and personal seal of each one. We reveal to you the infallible keys that you must follow if you want to design your perfect wardrobe and build your personal and intimate capsule that adapts to the characteristics and morphology of your home. We offer you 8 innovative ideas, from open changing rooms to those that blend with nature through large windows, and we propose a combination of functionality and style that will fascinate you.

The keys to designing a perfect room with a dressing room

We explore the essential keys to designing your perfect wardrobe, a space that, ultimately, will be your personal sanctuary and a setting that harmonizes style and organization. We will review the “checklist” that a good wardrobe must comply with, from the intelligent distribution of the space, to the careful selection of the colors with which we will dress it. Every detail counts.
Knowing this, we pose the big questions that you should put on the table before building the wardrobe of your dreams.

How to distribute the space in a dressing room?

Designing the layout of a dressing room is a meticulous process that must be considered based on the particular needs of each user. And we all have specific preferences that the space we live in daily must be able to satisfy. Taking this premise into account, it is essential to prioritize specific areas – such as the rest area, the locker room area and the bathroom area, for example. The use of sliding doors and wardrobes with doors are wise and intelligent decisions if what we want is to optimize space without compromising style. In fact, here we explain how you can incorporate these elements, such as sliding doors, into your bedroom.

How big should a dressing room be?

A key issue. Before starting to build the perfect dressing room, it will be essential to analyze the available dimensions and consider the habits and needs of the user. All together, with the final aim of creating a space that not only meets the practical requirements expected of it, but also offers comfort, convenience and materializes the personality of the person who will use it.


How to light a dressing room?

This is probably one of the most important premises when considering a dressing room. Correct lighting is the key to success in achieving a practical and aesthetically pleasing space. And with a good set of lights, we can transform an ordinary space into a unique, effective and characterful setting.

Having natural light means having many points in favor of getting a movie dressing room. And nothing beats the beauty of natural light. When it comes to a dressing room, if it is feasible to do so, we recommend that you strategically incorporate windows to let in the light from outside.

Thanks to the light, a suitable atmosphere is created. But not all hours of the day require the same intensity of light. Adjusting the atmosphere through different light intensities will allow the space to adapt to each moment, from the tranquility of a relaxed afternoon to the vitality of a morning before starting the day.

By making use of directional light points, such as LED lights, it is possible to highlight your favorite pieces and transform a dressing room into an exhibition space that gives each piece the visibility we want. The focal lighting solutions are endless, and can be adapted to the particular preferences of each user.

In addition, it must be emphasized that a dressing room is not an isolated element from the rest of the spaces in a home and, consequently, neither is its lighting. You need to think about how to combine the different light sources to create a harmonious and balanced composition that enhances every aspect of the dressing room and that, at the same time, goes hand in hand with the template of your home.


What colors to use in a dressing room?

Colors are an element that influences both the aesthetics and the functionality of the spaces they dress. For this reason, we recommendWhat colors to use in a dressing room? and that, at the same time, help create an atmosphere that enhances the serenity, tranquility and order of the space, and thus achieve a practical and elegant dressing room.

8 dressing room ideas in a room

After exploring the essential keys and basic questions you should ask yourself before designing your perfect walk-in closet, it’s time to take action. We propose 8 ideas to inspire you when creating your dressing room and help you personalize your space, fusing style with functionality.


1. Dressing room with window

If there is the option to do so, putting up a window is a smart and smart idea to let natural light into your dressing room. It’s a transformative element that can enhance and enhance lighting and provide an ethereal setting for choosing clothes.

2. Open dressing room

The simplicity and elegance of an open dressing room is undeniable. And, in addition, here we explain how modern open dressing rooms are a trend that is booming. In this case, opting for wardrobes with doors and large storage areas will provide you with exceptional functionality. In essence, it is an approach to the space that will promote the feeling of spaciousness and facilitate the selection of pieces with a single glance.

3. Vestidor amb illa

Incorporating an island in a dressing room is betting on sophistication, and fusing style with functionality. It’s an ideal choice for fashion lovers looking to get a boutique-dressing experience in their own home.

4. Dressing room behind the bed

Imagine a dressing room strategically placed behind your resting area, combining the practicality of a dressing room with the comfort of being next to the bed. Without a doubt, this approach to space will be an option that will surprise. And it is that presenting a dressing room behind the bed is a clever move to take advantage of every centimeter of your home. Broadly speaking, a dressing room behind the rest area is an innovative, different and original alternative to redefine a space.

5. Minimalist dressing room

They say that, sometimes, less is more. The minimalist dressing room plays with clean lines, neutral colors and dresses with few, but carefully selected elements. In essence, it is focus on functionality. And the fact is that the minimalist dressing room invites serenity and order. It is the perfect option if you want to optimize the space.

6. Dressing room for modules

The great advantage of modular wardrobes is that they can adapt to changes in storage and style needs, providing unique flexibility to the user. This versatile design adapts like a second skin to the possible changes you want to apply in your dressing room from modular pieces – from modular shelves to versatile drawers – which can be repositioned and reorganized according to your inspiration of the moment. In essence, this dynamic and adaptable dressing room that will allow you to optimize the space and offer you a personalized experience that will evolve with you.

7. Dressing room integrated in the bathroom

An innovative and avant-garde solution for lovers of luxury, which escapes conventional schemes. In this particular case, it consists of integrating the dressing room into the bathroom area, giving way to the creation of a personalized suite.

From the selection of wardrobes designed to resist moisture to the creation of a color palette that elegantly unites these two scenarios. This transition between the bathroom and the dressing room will become a fluid experience that will make your routine of getting ready before leaving the house more friendly and practical. In short: an option that will elevate and completely transform the daily experience of the user who uses it.


8. Dressing room in the corner

For spaces with restrictions or irregular shapes, a brilliant solution is to consider a wardrobe in one of the corners of your room. It is a type of dressing room that can be customized and adjusted to the specific needs of the user, with angular shelves, drawers that mold to the shapes of the corners and intelligent lighting solutions to ensure that each ráco rebi has a correct light source. An option to transform less explored corners into aesthetically pleasing and useful spaces.

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