Integrate a pillar into the game of architecture

Architecture and interior design and interior decoration is a game that consists of converting a weakness into a fortress, and thus achieving a spatial arrangement that results in a new distribution and function.

Thus, the pillars become a fundamental axis and an interesting decorative opportunity when carrying out any architecture and design project.

The possibilities of a pillar are endless: they can become part of the aesthetic, become a utilitarian element, as an element of storage and help the distribution of space to create an environment in which movements flow with space.

Therefore, if you have a column at home and do not know how to integrate it, today we give you some keys so that the pillars turn your house into a true Greek Parthenon. We tell you everything below.

The column as axis in the distribution

The pillar can be an important axis of reference in the sectorization of environments. They can be used to create elements around them such as cantilevered tables, panels or countertops that delimit the spaces.

Adding a cantilevered table to the column is an option so that you can gain a support surface, and therefore, a better use of space.

They can also serve as a visual screen between the areas. In summary, the column can be used as a starting point to stratify the environments and make the distribution flow according to the needs.

The added value in decoration

Within the decorative scheme, the columns can take a leading role or, on the other hand, integrate them into the aesthetic disposition.

If you choose to make them preside over the stay, you can choose a different material or a style that contrasts with the rest of the stay.

In terms of visual integrity, they can be integrated into the geometry and create a very interesting architectural and decorative continuation.

Do you want to go further? Try adding extra light to the pillar, it will add warmth to the room.

Geometric homogeneity

The geometrical shape of the pillar affects the disposition of the environment, becoming an axis that makes attention flow in the room.

If you want to add more visual plasticity, a circular column will help you achieve your goal.

Sant Just interior dining room

Storage possibilities

A column to divide, join or … store. Yes, a column offers you the possibility of creating extra storage space. You can build another fictitious pillar to build integrated shelves or drawers.

Is it really necessary for the pillar to be integrated into the architecture and interior design of the space?

If you have studied all the possibilities in terms of thickness, height and structural characteristics but you have decided that you can not integrate the pillar in your architectural scheme, then maybe it is time to consider throwing the partition and opening the space to add visual fluidity, in case that the above formulas do not work.

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In order to eliminate the partition, a structural study by an architect is necessary to decide if it is safe to remove the partition. If after the demolition we must maintain a pillar, now you know that there are several options to integrate them in the distribution of space and add a new dimension to the architectural and aesthetic-decorative

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