Interior Design Trends for 2023

Although each interior design studio adopts its own style and predilection for certain materials, we are all attentive to the most outstanding trends in interior design and we are open to new trends. In the same way, this concern typical of our profession makes us imagine and propose the use of materials, colours, shapes and elements for our designs and spearhead new trends that serve as a reference for the sector. In our opinion, the five main interior design trends for 2023 are the following:

1. Chromatics in warm tones:

The colors that will prevail in spaces of all kinds go through tones that inspire warmth and authenticity. In this sense, we are committed to earth tones, in all their variety, and brown, smoked, beige, taupe, cinnamon, coffee, bison, paprika, cognac, boiler… To seek contrast, we opted for Klein blue as the accent color between the aforementioned hues.

2. Layered interior design:

Textiles are taking center stage in designs and we are sure that they will set the trend for this 2023. We should not only think about plain fabrics, but we are going to see a progressive return of prints both in curtains and cushions. Living rooms and bedrooms are going to be transformed thanks to fabrics that will add complexity thanks to their textures, patterns, colors and folds.

3. Curves in monochrome volumes.

With the introduction of curves and organic shapes in monochromatic volumes, whether they are arches or pieces of furniture, we will be able to enhance the play of textures between the different materials thanks to the variable and capricious impact of light. In short, what is unquestionable is the leading role of the curved.

4. Craftsmanship is the new luxury.

We are going to leave aside the gold, red, and exotic marbles to appreciate the luxury in local materials, in the value of what is handmade, in the charm of irregular and imperfect finishes. In this sense, In this sense, we bet on and claim a growing trend that translates into the introduction of ceramics and mosaics, but also handmade and natural woven wooden furniture, such as the grid on the fronts of cabinets or hand-woven rugs.

5. Travertine marble:

Finally, we highlight the recovery and return of a classic material: travertine marble. And this time not only for wet rooms, such as the bathroom and the kitchen. We will see it in floor and wall tiles as a highly versatile element that is a great ally to enhance the warmth of any space.

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