The balance and elegance of neutral spaces

Not everything can stand out. If we want something to stand out, we must incorporate it in a neutral environment. Although we speak of neutral spaces, it does not mean that they are insipid, or dull, but that precisely in their conception they are put at the service of the general space as a whole, without claiming their singularity or particularity with colors, materials, forms or volumes. The contrast is not explained without a neutral space, just as dissonance is not understood without harmony. If neutral spaces are characterized by something, it is precisely by transmitting the sensation of balance in all its aspects. Beyond what we can think, what stands out in any design is not usually the basis of success but the whole that allows the singularity to emerge.

Elegance is one of the adjectives that are always present in our parameters and if something is characterized is to get everything is available in its proper measure. The range of colors, the type of materials used and their distribution in space are fundamental factors for this. Simplicity ends up being the best premise to get an elegant interior, to propose clear and simple lines, where to add elements that are easily in line with the whole. In the neutral spaces the introduction of disparate elements must be totally intentional, but we can break the discursivity, coherence and balance of the whole. Well thought out, the neutral spaces are the perfect base to get spaces that give off much peace and comfort.

una casa junto al mar una casa vora el mar a house by the sea

Redistribución e interiorismo para una casa junto al mar

Using neutral colors in the interior decoration of your space also has many advantages. They make a small space look bigger, turn a dark place into a bright space and create the impression of openness and transparency. To all these benefits is added the comfort that supposes for the user and for the decorator. All the combinations you think will fit perfectly. Is not that a luxury? Of course, neutrality should not always be confused with clarity, but with the balance of the whole. We can, in the same way, design neutral spaces with dark colors, everything will be a matter of finding the right measure of the composition of elements.

The versatility of neutral spaces

Neutral spaces also provide versatility. You can change the function of the room as the needs of the moment demand it. Nowadays, homes are liquid and offices are also. Today’s movie and entertainment room is the children’s room tomorrow. And a space one day is an office and tomorrow is a home. The achievement of a space not excessively marked by its elements, allows us a greater modularity and multi- purposeality of the spaces. In open spaces this quality is fundamental.

Versatility and comfort are two values ​​of neutral spaces that perfectly fit the demands of 21st century society.

What is white today, may be black tomorrow. Every time reality changes faster and the ability to adapt is a safe value. The flexibility is not, however, detached from the singularity. On this occasion, it is not about colors, strictly visual, but about the very conception of space.

The comfort of neutral spaces

Comfort to combine with total freedom the different elements of an interior space. And the more neutral a space is, the more freedom you will have to fit the different elements.

The neutral spaces are also those places that provide warmth, comfort and rest when crossing the entrance door. Have you ever noticed the peace given by the houses that are decorated with a neutral style ? In rooms like this, all the elements become more comfortable, the sofa, the chairs, the bed … It is a global effect, of transmitting sensations with the space itself.

Elements of neutral spaces

But what is it that makes a space neutral? The target? The beige? The softness of the decoration? Its relaxing muted tones? Surely all these elements contribute their grain of sand in getting to create a neutral space , which makes a stay comfortable, relaxing and ideal to rest from a long day. But none of them is essential. As we have said, it is more about the joint effect than the characteristics of the elements.

If the principle of minimalism is the inclusion of the indispensable elements, the recreation of a neutral space is fixed more on the joint effect than on the contingency of the elements.

We hope to have transformed your impression of neutral spaces, where the whole is important and balance and elegance are its most immediate effects.

Interior design, decoration and Attic reform in Sant Gervasi

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